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GHP distributing system

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GHP distributing system Empty GHP distributing system

Post  wglxyz Wed May 05, 2010 9:57 am

Happyyang suggests me to make a GHP distributing system, I think that's great.
We need a rule to measure how good everyone done, and give more GHP to those who make more contributions.

I have a draft idea as following:

1. For active and daily build.
We'll give 10 GHP to all the active members in every weekend(green in member list); 5 to the members didn't build for more than 4 days(yellow ones); 0 to the members didn't build for more than one week(red ones).

2. For donating.
We'll award GHP to those who donate useful things for us.
I divided the useful things into 3 categories:
First, gold, 1GHP for 1k gold.
Second, building materials for the tracked building which can be bought in vendor shops, calculate the base value of the item, and give GHP same way as gold.
Third, building materials for the tracked building which can only obtain from gathering or dungeons, 5GHP for one single item.

3. For recruits.
If you recruit a new member, we'll give you 15 GHP for a reward.

4. For guild battle and sieges.
We can award GHP to the squads which fight a remarkable battle. But how to judge whether a battle is remarkable is the problem, I'm still thinking about it.

Here's just my draft idea, any suggestions? Very Happy


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GHP distributing system Empty Re: GHP distributing system

Post  Happyyang Wed May 05, 2010 7:18 pm

Any suggestion?


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GHP distributing system Empty Re: GHP distributing system

Post  zomby Thu May 06, 2010 10:20 am

Well, I think to judge a battle is remarkable or not largely depends on how powerful the opponents are.
But before we go, you should determine how much ghp will we award for a PERFECT battle. The points percentage below is based on this perfect reward.

There're several aspects to measure'em:

First, the level gap.
Although there are players aren't so sharp that they build their gear not so properly, higher level usually means one could use better charms. And as their level get higher, more and more players know how to build a better gear with available charms. So the higher level player are estimated to play a more important role than their level difference.
This is a suggested expression for squad level evaluation:
Let us sort the players' level, the highest level is A, the lowest is D.
  • pA=A/(A+B+C+D), pB=B/(A+B+C+D), pC=C/(A+B+C+D), pD=D/(A+B+C+D)
    we define a value: v = 1/((pA+pB+pC+pD)/4)
    Then the weight of each player can be: wA=v*pA, wB=v*pB, wC=v*pC, wD=v*pD
    So we can get an estimated squad level: avg(A*wA+B*wB+C*wC+D*wD)

If the opponent's squad is 3 estimated level higher than ours, the award should be taken into consideration.
This is the first and the most important standard to judge whether a squad will be awarded or not. For example, beat a 3-level higher squad and the squad member can at least get 10% of the points, and if they beat a 7-level higher one, which is almost impossible, 50% of the perfect reward points will be awarded for the outstanding battle.
Note that the pvp rating points will take 30% of the perfect reward and the hp bonus will take 20%. If a squad beat an opponent squad whose estimated level is 8 levels higher, it could get more than 50% of the perfect reward, but the total reward should not be over 100%.

Second, the pvp rating.
The pvp rating actually show the players' performance in Coliseum. A high rating player is tougher and with a better gear than most. And guild squads are often consist of Coliseum parties. Squads who defeated a high rating squad should be rewarded.
The max pvp rating points (R-pts below) could be 30% of the perfect pts reward.
The threshold, well, should be increased as level grows. It could be: 2000+(5*(player_level-15))
I personally suggest a cap for the hi-rating players for two reasons:
There are so little disparity between top players. And with a cap it's easier to calculate.
The cap: 2200+(60*(player_level-15))
Suppose the rating of a level L enemy player is X, the threshold T=2000+(5*(L-15)), the cap C=2200+(60*(L-15)), then the percentage of R-pts should be like this :
  • 0% of the R-pts X∈[0,T]
    (X-T)/(C-T) of the R-pts X∈(T,C)
    100% of the R-pts X∈[C,+∞)

We calculate the average R-pts % of the opponent squad, then the reward decided.

Last, HP and Spirit.
Extra HP gains from +HP skills. Players with higher HP and Spirit than most of the other players means they know Estiah better. Beat squads with these player should also be considered as great battle.
Here's a list for available skills in level 1-10:
Cheat Death151
Xtreme 4112
First Aid14
Self Defense13
Treasure Hunter15
I decided not to finish the table, its too "big" to me. Sleep (Yes, I do hope someday there will be a full list on the wiki)
Well, let's suppose that a player will gain 4 spirit and extra 55 hp every 10 levels, 0.5 spi each time they gain a new level, and about(10,13,16,19,22) for level up around level(5,15,25,35,45). Since I'm only 33 and I haven't record my leveling data so those are just based on hypothesis.
We can now decide the 20% pts remain.
90% of this part of pts is judged by hp.
L is level, The REFERENCE hp ( Ref-hp below ) is:
  • level 1 to 9: 20+L*(10+5)
    level 10 to 19: 155+(L-9)*(13+5)
    level 20 to 29: 355+(L-19)*(16+5)
    level 30 to 39: 525+(L-29)*(19+5)
    level 40 to 59: 765+(L-39)*(22+5)

For all the players of the opponent's squad, we do this:
  • 100% ( hp/Rhp∈[1,+∞) )
    (hp-0.9*Rhp)/0.1Rhp ( hp/Rhp∈(0.9,1) )
    0% ( hp/Rhp∈(0,0.9] )

Get an average of the four, done. cheers

An calculation sheet could handle the expressions above.


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GHP distributing system Empty Re: GHP distributing system

Post  Aradan Thu May 06, 2010 4:42 pm

zomby wrote:
So we can get an estimated squad level: avg(A*wA+B*wB+C*wC+D*wD)
This can be simplified to (A^2 + B^2 + C^2 + D^2) / (A + B + C + D). The idea seems good but I think we should use a formula that takes squad size into account; a three man squad beating a 4 man squad of same level should be considered awesome.

A simple sum(opponent HP) / sum(allies HP) would take both team size and player HP into account. A high value means a tough battle. Maybe a bit too simple but you know, KISS.

zomby wrote:
Second, the pvp rating.
Elo rating is not very reliable since Estiah made the unfortunate decision to cap ratings of players based on Coliseum wins. The effect is that the most wicked awesome player in the game world could still have a 2000 rating if he does not participate in Coliseum battles. I.e. a high rating means good player but a low rating does not necessarily mean a bad player (though that is certainly true in my case Smile ).


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GHP distributing system Empty Re: GHP distributing system

Post  Happyyang Thu May 06, 2010 7:35 pm

Wow, are you two major in Math? Excellent formula! cheers


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GHP distributing system Empty Re: GHP distributing system

Post  Xyel Fri May 07, 2010 3:07 am

Just a note, we might want to keep some bottom limit under which the distribution wont go, like 250-750 GHP for cases when we finish a new charm/need them urgently for something. It would also allow us to do some corrections through discretionary distributions in cases when someone gets a shit streak in guild battles, which he might not be so much accountable for because it depends on 4 ppl, and ends up with very low amount of GHP and no gains in sight when he might need a new charm or something.


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GHP distributing system Empty Re: GHP distributing system

Post  wglxyz Mon May 10, 2010 9:23 am

Ha, too busy in the last few days ago and don't have a time to reply the thread.. Sad
Wow, zomby you wrote such a expert long speech, thank you! Your method give a very good way to judge a remarkable battle.

But I made a mistake, maybe we shouldn't give GHP after every battle or siege...
We get GHP from guild battles, and give part of them to weekly distribute and award for donating, which means we cannot give all the GHP of a battle to deserved squads, we should have some GHP reserved.

We can get 20-200 GHP in a single battle. Even we get 200 GHP, 50-100 of it should be reserved, and maybe there're 3 remarkable squads divide the GHP left, 150 GHP to 12 people, about 10GHP for everyone. This is a very optimistic situation, in most cases we can distribute only 2-3 GHP to one single person after a battle, too meager for a remarkable battle.

So I think the reward of the well behaved warriors can be weekly done too, we can pick out the top4 or 5 squad every week, and give these squads a total 500-600 GHP. And we can have a simple way to judge the squads, we count the number of wins in one week, the more wins, the better. What do you think about it Very Happy


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GHP distributing system Empty Re: GHP distributing system

Post  wglxyz Mon May 10, 2010 9:26 am

I guess we can try this plan from this week, at least the first 3 issues, I'll paste them to Guild Description cheers


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